First Baptist Church of Marion has Bible Study groups for all ages every Sunday morning. God’s Word is taught by dedicated teachers who lovechildren and help them to know God’s love through Bible stories. Adults are inspired and challenged to deeper understanding and are helped tomake the Bible’s message relevant to today’s world.

Our Bible Study groups begin at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday morning to accommodate worship which starts at 11:00 a.m.Listed below are our current Bible Study groups. For adults, we offer options. Please feel free to visit different classes offered and find the classwhich best fits your needs.

Discipleship Journey Groups (Adults)

It’s often said and it’s true, “Life is a journey.” That journey is best when traveled with friends in faith following Jesus Christ. Through all the twists and turns of life, we need one another. Most of all, we need the Good Shepherd who guides us and leads us onto the Fair Land for which we are truly made to call home. FBC’s small groups, including our traditional Sunday School classes, are a special way to “walk together in faith” as God’s people. In these groups, we seek to grow in faith while also supporting one another along the way. You’re invited to join the Journey Group that fits your current season of life best. More information may be found at the Information Table between the Gathering Room and the Chapel.

Sunday Morning Groups (Sunday School)
Dewey Hobbs Men’s Bible Class, 2nd Floor
Genesis Class, Memorial Chapel
Golden Circle Class, 2nd Floor
Open Door Class, 2nd Floor
Young Adults Class, 2nd Floor

Mid-Week Bible Study

Out & About Young Adults

Mighty Mamas

Empty Nesters

Grief Support

Monday PM Yoga

Wednesday AM Yoga

Short-Term Groups:
Grief Support Groups
Seasonal Faith Formation Groups

Interested in our Adult Small Groups on Wednesday Night? Go Here