The Saints Alive meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except during June-August) at noon for a lunch and program that oftencenters around special needs of Seniors or ministry opportunities in our community. The menu varies each month and is selected by acommittee. You are welcome to join us for a delicious meal, great fellowship, and an opportunity to connect with other Seniors.

In addition to the monthly fellowship, the Saints Alive are active throughout the year with special activities. During the first week in May, the Saints Alive take a weeklong trip to Myrtle Beach that includes time for devotion and reflection, shopping, dinner, and a play, as well as plenty of time to relax by the ocean. We also plan a variety of day trips that center around spirituality, food and fellowship, and the arts. To find out more about these trips, check out the church newsletter or Facebook page.

We end each year of programming with a specialChristmas Banquet for the church sponsored bythe Saints Alive in the Blanton Family MinistryCenter. Ticket sales go to pay for the catered meal,special entertainment, and financial assistance forevents throughout the year.

Our group is quite active and open to all who wish to share in beloved community with others.