Becoming a Member

Becoming a member-2(website)


How to Become a Member of First Baptist Church

A Statement on Baptism

As Baptists we consider baptism to be an act of obedience following profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Such baptism is Believer’s Baptism.

Therefore, we will baptize new converts by immersion because we believe this to be:
1. The mode expressed in the New Testament.
2. The mode which most fully portrays the symbolic meaning of baptism – death, burial, resurrection.

We intend that this affirmation of belief and practice shall lead to a deeper appreciation for the Biblical, historic, and present meaning of baptism in the life of the believer, and in the life of First Baptist Church, Marion, North Carolina.

A Statement on Membership Policy

I. Persons may present themselves as candidates for membership in the following ways:

1. By profession of faith in Jesus Christ to be followed by Believer’s Baptism by immersion; Note: Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the ministers and deacon officers in hardship cases involving advanced age or problems of health.

2. By transfer of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church;

3. By statement of previous membership in a Baptist church when a letter of recommendation is unavailable;

4. Those presenting themselves for membership from another Christian denomination will be received by letter of recommendation from another Christian church or by statement of previous Christian experience and participation in another Christian church, under the following conditions:

a. The candidate’s profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and commitment to Christ as Savior and Lord
b. The candidate’s baptism, without regard to mode, if it was for him or her an act of obedience which followed profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or which was followed by a conscious act of confirmation which symbolized his or her identification with the Christian faith and the whole church as the Body of Christ.

II. All new members are encouraged to attend a New Member Orientation to learn about the family of faith at First Baptist Church, Marion. This orientation will include beliefs of the Christian faith; beliefs of the Protestant church; traditional Baptist distinctives; the history, goals, and spirit of Marion First Baptist Church; our church covenant; and expectations of individual members.