Exciting Opportunity!
On Feb. 14, the twenty-seven members of the 2015 Belize Mission Team left for Belize marking the tenth year First Baptist Church has sent a team there. Our medical team will provide free clinics in four underserved communities, our construction team will complete a house for long-time Belize mission friends Henry and Jane Martinez and pour a foundation for a new home for women freed from human trafficking.
Also, FBC members Dr. Justin and Megan Jornigan have the exciting opportunity to lay the foundation for a long reaching, meaningful program that will impact lives in Belize. They will be researching needs for an animal based agricultural curriculum for teaching at schools in two cities in Belize. They will look to develop a teaching program to help farmers in Belize with goats, sheep, and poultry. While there they plan to look into starting a self-sustaining program that gives livestock to needy people with their pledge to give their first-born animal back to the program to be given to another person in need.
The Jornigan’s are continuing a decade-long involvement in Belize by First Baptist Church. Going back year-after-year means strong personal relationships with the people there. New enterprises like the Jorigan’s are adding to continuing efforts to witness strongly for Christ among the people of this Central American county. This year’s team left Feb. 14 and will return Feb. 22.