Expanded In-Person Worship Information:
FBC’s Deacons have increased in-person worship capacity to 100 maximum in the sanctuary. The Fellowship Hall maximum capacity remains at 50, providing an overflow space with video screens to watch the service together. The new updated guidelines may be viewed HERE (add link). They are also available on FBC Facebook group. If you plan to attend in-person worship, please review the guidelines before arriving. While half the pews are roped off to provide for social distancing, this arrangement provides the freedom to choose where to sit and to determine what is your own personal comfort level. Thankfully our recent congregational surveys indicate that FBC adults are embracing the COVID-19 vaccine in very high numbers, making us a safe group for gathering.
Sunday School will Resume on Sunday, May 9.
The Deacons are preparing plans to resume adult, youth, and children’s Sunday school. Guidelines have been approved by the Deacons and will be shared with the church membership very soon.