Limited In-Person Worship Resumes Sunday, October 4

FBC’s return to in-person worship will be slow and deliberate. Sanctuary capacity will begin very limited while also allowing limited worship participants in the fellowship hall to watch the service together on the large screens. The Deacons will determine when to expand seating capacity. Due to seating limitations, reservations will be required to attend. The reservations process and timeline are stated below. Please watch the “Welcome Back” video posted on Facebook  and YouTube (link below). This video explains what to expect while attending worship at FBC with COVID-19 preventive guidelines in place.


Each week, in-person worship reservations open Mondays at 10:00 a.m. and close on Thursdays at 12:00 noon. Call (828) 652-6030, extension 221.

Reservations may be made by calling the Church Office during regular business hours. Jeannie Tisdale will oversee the reservation process and communicate with participants. Three reservation lists will be kept by the Church Office:

· Openings for 40 people in the Sanctuary, including 10 spaces reserved for staff, worship leadership, and audio-visual crew. Thus, 30 spaces will be available for worship participants.

· Openings for 40 people in the Fellowship Hall, including 2 audio-visual crew. Thus, 38 spaces available for worship participants.

· Waiting List with preference of seating location. If openings should occur prior to Sunday morning, those next on the waiting list will be contacted. Those who remain on the waiting list will have first right for the next Sunday’s worship reservations. 

· To allow everyone the opportunity to worship in-person in the sanctuary, those with sanctuary reservations one Sunday will not be allowed to make sanctuary reservations for the next Sunday until seating capacity expands.


These guidelines have been distributed to the church membership and newsletter recipients. If you have not read this document, our guidelines are posted below and on the church Facebook group. The core of the guidelines are the four key CDC recommendations: Wear a face mask.  Practice social distancing. Wash your hands frequently. Temperature checks.

What to expect as you return to In-Person Worship at FBC?

 Watch FBC’s Welcome Back video: