The Growing Young Church Assessment

By M. Scott Hagaman, Pastor

First Baptist Church seeks to share the witness of Jesus Christ to all generations. Therefore, we are partnering with Fuller Theological Seminary and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina to explore how we might be more effective at reaching the young and incorporating them into our fellowship. The Growing Young Initiative is based on extensive research conducted by the Fuller Youth Institute, which outlines 6 core characteristics of churches who are highly effective at reaching younger generations. First Baptist joins a group of sister churches as we learn together, seeking to better share our witness among those 15-30 years old. A tool in our efforts is an assessment given to all those who participate in the life of First Baptist Church. You can expect that the survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain confidential as they are incorporated into a larger report.

If you would like to participate in the assessment, click here:

Or, if you would like more information about the Growing Young Program, click here:

Complete by: Palm Sunday, April 14

The assessment is only available electronically. If you are not confident with computers or smartphones, a team of tech-savvy people will be available in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, March 20 between 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 14 between 9:30-10:45 a.m.